Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



[photo, David J. Wheeler, Orphans' Court Judge, Talbot County, Maryland] DAVID J. WHEELER, Judge (Republican)

    Orphans' Court
    P. O. Box 816
    Courthouse, 11 North Washington St., Easton, MD 21601 - 0816
    (410) 770-6700; fax: (410) 822-5452

Judge, Orphans' Court, Talbot County, since December 3, 2018.

Attended Hebron Academy, Hebron, Maine; Duke University, B.A. (business administration, anthropology), 1975. President and Chief Executive Officer, Wheeler Management Associates, Inc., Leesburg, Virginia, 1977-96. Vice-President, Consulting Practices Group, Reynolds & Reynolds, Dayton, Ohio, 1996-2000. President and Chief Executive Officer, David Wheeler Automatic Group, LLC, Easton Maryland, 2000-14. Managing Member, David Wheeler, LLC, 2014-18. Board of Directors, Easton Bank & Trust (loan, marketing & acquisition committee); North American Honda Finance, Honda Motor Company; Easton Day Care - Critchlow Adkins Children's Centers. Chair, Tech Program, Easton High School. Past member, Selection Committee, Teacher of the Year, Talbot, Dorchester and Queen Anne's Counties. Outstanding Business Partnership, State Department of Education, 2005. Large Business of the Year, Talbot County Chamber of Commerce, 2009. Golden Apple Award, Comptroller of Maryland, 2013. Married; two children, one grandchild.

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