Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




Appointed by Governor to 1-year terms:
1709-1710 Richard Tilghman
1711-1713 Philemon Hemsley

1719 Edward Wright

1724-1727 William Hemsley
1728-1730 Edward Wright
1730-1733 James Earle, Jr.

1736-1739 Robert Norrest Wright
1739-1741 Edward Tilghman

1745-1748 H. James Hollyday
1748-1751 Henry Hollyday
1751-1754 Thomas Harris
1754-1757 William Hopper

1759 Jonathan Nichols
1760-1763 James Nicholson, Jr.

1773-1775 Philemon Downes

Elected by Voters to 3-year terms (Constitution of 1776, sec. 42):
1777-1779 William Wright
1779-1782 Joshua Seney
1785-1788 James O'Bryon
1788-1791 Jonathan Seney
1791-1794 Thomas O'Bryan
1794-1797 Philemon C. Blake (R)
1797-1800 James Clayland
1800 Henry Costin
1800-1803 James Roe Prall (R)
1803-1804 Solomon Scott (R)
1804-1805 William Pitt Ridgeway (R)
1806-1809 Philemon C. Blake (R)
1809-1812 William Pitt Ridgeway (R)
1812-1815 Robert Oldson (R)
1815-1818 Richard Moffett (R)
1818-1821 Nathan Belton (D)
1821-1824 John S. Blake
1824-1827 Thomas Roberts
1827-1830 William Robinson
1830-1833 Thomas Ashcom
1833-1834 Thomas Sudler
1834-1835 Thomas H. Ford
1838-1841 Samuel S. Robinson

1843-1844 Andrew Johnson (W) (died 1844)
1844-1845 Thomas Sutton (D)
1846-1848 Joel Thomas
1848-1851 Stephen J. Bradley (W)

Elected by Voters to 2-year terms (Constitution of 1851, Art. IV, sec. 20):
1851-1853 James T. Perkins
1853-1855 James E. Dillon (W)
1855-1857 Alfred A. Duhamel (KN)
1857-1859 Edward Sudler (D)
1859-1861 John R. Story (D)
1861-1863 George T. Burgess (U)
1863-1865 William T. Ford

Elected by Voters to 2-year terms (Constitution of 1864, Art. IV, sec. 49):
1865-1867 Mr. Satterfield (D)

Elected by Voters to 2-year terms (Constitution of 1867, Art. IV, sec. 44):
1867-1869 John R. Costin (D)
1869-1871 William E. Temple (D)
1873-1875 Thomas C. Bailey (D)
1875-1877 James H. Straughn (D)
1877-1879 Thomas B. Turner (D)
1879-1881 William J. Gillispie
1881-1883 T. H. Plummer (D)
1883-1885 Thomas Sudler (D)
1885-1887 R. H. Smith (D)
1893-1895 James E. Marshall
1895-1897 James L. Woolleyhand
1897-1899 George M. Vansant
1899-1901 James E. Meredith
1901-1903 William S. Delahay (D)
1903-1905 George A. Whitely (D)
1905-1907 Alfred C. Merchant
1907-1909 George A. Whitely (D)
1909-1911 William S. Delahay (D)
1911-1913 George W. Legg (D)
1913-1915 Sanford E. Spry
1915-1917 James W. Yeates
1917-1919 Sanford E. Spry
1919-1921 James W. Yeates
1921-1923 Sanford E. Spry
1923-1926 T. Frank Seward

Elected by Voters to 4-year terms (Constitution of 1867, Art. XVII; added by Chapter 227, Acts of 1922, ratified Nov. 7, 1922):
1926-1930 Frank Y. Whitely
1930-1934 J. Elmer Anthony
1934-1938 T. Herbert Everett
1938-1942 Edward Earl Coursey (D)
1942-1946 Louis B. Perkins (D)

Elected by Voters to 4-year terms (Constitution of 1867, Art. IV, sec. 44, amended by Chapter 786, Acts of 1945, ratified Nov. 5, 1946):
1946-1950 Oscar W. Tarr
1950-1954 Frank Y. Whiteley
1954-1958 Alexis Butler
1958-1962 Frank Y. Whiteley
1962-1966 Joseph S. Quimby, Sr.
1966-1978 George B. Sharp
1978-1982 Walter E. Clough
1982-1990 Melville L. Sewell
1990-2006 Charles F. Crossley, Jr. (R)
2006- R. Gery Hofmann III (R)

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