![[photo, Derrick Leon Davis, County Council, Prince George's County, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/pg/leg/images/1198-1-06277b.jpg)
County Council
County Administration Building, 2nd floor
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 - 3070
(301) 952-3426; fax: (301) 952-4351
Member, County Council, Prince George's County, representing District 6, since November 8, 2011 (vice-chair, 2014-15; chair, Dec. 1, 2015 to Dec. 5, 2017). Chair, General Assembly Committee, 2020-. Vice-Chair, Government Operations and Fiscal Policy Committee, 2020- (chair, 2019). Member, Education and Workforce Development Committee, 2019- (vice-chair, 2019); Planning, Housing and Economic Development Committee, 2019-. Member, Public Safety and Fiscal Management Committee, 2012-14; Transportation, Housing and the Environment Committee, 2012-14, 2016 (chair, 2013-14); Health, Education and Human Services Committee, 2012-16 (chair, 2012; vice-chair, 2013-15). Chair, Public Safety and Fiscal Management Committee, 2017-18. Vice-Chair, Rules and General Assembly Committee, 2017-18 (chair, 2014-15, 2016-17).
Member, Board of Health, Prince George’s County, 2011-; District Council, Prince George's County, 2011-.
Board of Directors, Economic Development Corporation, Prince George's County, 2012-. Member, Blue Ribbon Commission on Addressing Prince George's County's Structural Deficit, 2015-17; Task Force to Study a Promise Scholarship Program in Prince George's County, 2016-17. Chair, Board of Directors, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, 2019- (vice-chair, 2017-19; member, 2016-; alternate member, national capital region transportation planning board, 2012-).
Social Services Representative, District of Columbia Government, 1990-92. Citizens Services Specialist and Special Projects Coordinator, Prince George's County Council, 1995 (constituent services aide, 1992-95). Former manager, Head Start Program, Prince George's County Public Schools (outreach coordinator, 1995-2000, assistant program supervisor, 2000-05). Member, Interagency Early Childhood Committee, Prince George's County, 1996; Interagency Coordinating Committee for Infants and Toddlers Program, Prince George's County, 1998; Charter Review Commission, Prince George's County, 2001. Parent and Family Involvement Coordinator, Title I Department, Prince George's County Public Schools, 2007-11 (coordinator & facilitator, yale university comer school development program, 2005-11). Chair, Board of Trustees, Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund, 2009-11 (member, 2007-11).
Born in Suitland, Maryland, 1967; raised in Capital Heights, Maryland. Attended Central Senior High School, Capital Heights, Maryland; University of Maryland Eastern Shore, B.A. (sociology), 1989. Member, Prince George's County Chamber of Commerce, 1995; North Canterbury Estates Civic Association, 1996. Chair, Early Childhood Grant Fund, Community Foundation of Prince George's County, 1997 (member, 2016-). Member, Prince George's County Democratic Central Committee, 1998-2002 (education community liaison; chair, voter registration committee). Board of Directors (alternate member), Dimensions Healthcare System, 2016-. Volunteer, ARC of Prince George's County and National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (20 years). Member, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Member, First Baptist Church, Glenarden, Maryland. Married.
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