A local development council is established in each geographic area where a video lottery [slots gambling] facility is located (Chapter 5, Acts of 2007; Chapter 4, Acts of 2007 Special Session; Code State Government Article, sec. 9-1A-31). In Prince George's County, a video lottery facility, called MGM National Harbor casino, opened at National Harbor on December 8, 2016.
The Local Development Council advises the County on the impact of the video lottery facility on the communities in immediate proximity to the facility, and on the needs and priorities of those communities. The Council also makes recommendations to the County regarding multi-year plans for expenditure of revenue from the facility.
Appointed by the County Executive with County Council consent, the Local Development Council consists of fifteen members (Chapter 446, Acts of 2017; Code State Government Article, sec. 9-1A-31).
In July 2020, the County Executive authorized and appointed the Police Reform Task Force.
The Task Force will conduct a comprehensive study and review of Police Department policies, relating to hiring, training, and the use of force. The Task Force is to recommend reforms that the Police Department should implement.
A report will be submitted to the County Executive by October 30, 2020.
![[photo, County Administration Building, Gov. Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/pg/images/1198-1-2522.jpg)
Reporting directly to the Chief Administrative Officer are the Revenue Authority and five offices: Central Services; Finance; Human Resources Management; Information Technology and Communications; and Management and Budget. Assisting the Chief Administrative Officer is the Board of Ethics.
County Administration Building, Gov. Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro, Maryland, October 2007. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
![[photo, Clock at County Administration Building, Gov. Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/pg/images/1198-1-06374b.jpg)
Procuring and managing facilities and contracts, the Office of Central Services secures administrative and construction services to meet the needs of County government. The Office oversees the County's real estate, and fleet management.
The Office works through six divisions: Contract Administration and Procurement, Facilities Operation and Management, Fleet Management, General Services, Land Acquisition and Real Property, and Supplier Development and Diversity (County Charter, Art. VI, secs. 601 through 607; County Code, secs. 10A-101 through 10A-159).
Under the Office of Central Services, the Supplier Development and Diversity Division began as the Minority Business Development Division, and adopted its present name in November 2012 (County Council Resolution CR-60-2012).
Clock at County Administration Building, Gov. Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro, Maryland, April 2014. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
The Office of Ethics and Accountability was created in 2012 (County Code, secs. 2-298 through 2-309).
Advising County officers and employees on matters related to State and County ethics laws, the Board of Ethics investigates and rules on complaints of violations. The Board also provides and retains disclosure forms for those subject to County ethics laws (Code State Government Chapter, secs. 15-801 through 15-808).
Annually, the Commission submits a report to the State Ethics Commission, showing County compliance with State regulations (Code State Government Article, sec. 15-803(b)).
Serving three-year terms, members of the Board are appointed by the County Executive with County Council consent.
Overseeing County fiscal assets, the Office of Finance is responsible for the collection and disbursement of all State and County tax revenue. Financial records for County government agencies are maintained by the Office, which reports on financial matters to the County Executive and County Council (County Charter, Art. VIII, secs. 801 through 824; County Code, secs. 10-101 through 10-290).
The Office of Human Resources Management oversees the hiring practices of County government agencies, seeing that State and County employment practice laws are enforced. The Office posts position openings, oversees orientation and training, negotiates on behalf of the County in collective bargaining, sets County contract wage requirements, and manages benefits and pensions. In addition, the Office serves as mediator in employee disputes. If mediation breaks down, and does not involve collective bargaining, cases may be appealed to the Personnel Board (County Charter, Art. IX, secs. 901 through 909, Art. X, sec. 1009).
Advising the County Council on matters of employment policy and law, the Personnel Board also advises County government supervisors in the execution of current personnel requirments and guidelines. The Board hears appeals of employee disputes not covered by collective bargaining. In cases where the Board's ruling is disputed, cases may be appealed to the Circuit Court.
Appointed by County Executive with County Council consent, five members constitute the Personnel Board (County Charter, Art. IX, sec. 906 through 907).
The the Office of Information Technology began as a division under the Office of Management and Budget. It was restructured in 2000 as the Office of Information Technology and Communications, a separate office directly under the Chief Administrative Officer. It assumed its current name in March 2012.
For County government agencies, the Office provides digital hardware and software. Programs developed and supported by the Office provide public access to County services and information, upgrade County government communication and computer systems, and procure independent providers to supplement County systems. The Office also oversees the County’s Geographic Information Systems, advises the Cable Television Commission, and develops and updates the County's Technology Strategy Plan. This plan examines current communication and technology needs of the County, and devises programs to anticipate future needs.
In 1999, the Cable Television Commission was formed.
The Commission invites, receives, reviews, and evaluates applications for cable franchises, and, after public hearings about them, recommends to the County Council those franchises which will best serve County residents. The Commission also is charged to regulate rates; audit franchise records; and resolve disagreements among franchisees, subscribers, and public and private users of system facilities.
The Commission consists of five members appointed by the County Executive with County Council consent for terms coterminous with the County Executive (County Charter, sec. 5A-119).
The annual budget for County government is created by the Office of Management and Budget with the County Executive. On current government methods and procedures, the Office provides to the County Executive estimates of future County income and expenses, and advises on issues of policy and legislation. To set fiscal guidelines for County agencies, the Office also analyzes County revenues and expenditures (County Charter, Art. VIII, sec. 802).
The Revenue Authority of Prince George's County was established in 1997 in accordance with Chapter 491, Acts of 1996. The Authority is authorized to construct, reconstruct, remodel, renovate, improve, equip, furnish, maintain, acquire, operate, control, regulate, and finance or refinance projects within the County devoted wholly or partially for public uses, goods, or general welfare (County Code, secs. 21A-103, 21A-113).
The Authority consists of nine members. Five are appointed to four-year terms by the County Executive with County Council consent. Two are appointed by the County Council, and two serve ex officio (County Code, secs. 21A-115).
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