Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




[photo, Winfield M. Kelly, Jr., County Executive, Prince George's County, Maryland] WINFIELD M. (WIN) KELLY, JR.
County Executive (Democrat), 1974-78

County Executive, Prince George's County, 1974-78.

Member, Board of County Commissioners, Prince George's County, 1970-71 (chair, 1971). Chair, County Council, Prince George's County, 1971-74. Former president, Business and Industry Advisory Council, Prince George's County School System.

Secretary of State, Maryland, 1987-93. Chair, Governor's Commission on Protocol for the Maryland State Flag, 1989-90; Governor's Commission on Maryland Military Monuments, 1989-93.

Born in Prince George's County, Maryland, September 2, 1935. University of Maryland, College Park, B.A. (business administration); The Johns Hopkins University, graduate studies. President, Prime Cable of Maryland, 1985-88. Chair, Board of Directors, and Chief Executive Officer, Dimensions Healthcare System, 1985-2003. Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Columbia Bancorp, 1987-, and Columbia Bank, 1988-. Board of Directors, IRD, Ltd., 1989-. Chair and chief executive officer, Suburban Bancshares, Inc., 1993-. Chair, Board of Directors, Suburban Bank of Maryland, 1993-. President and Chief Executive Officer, nzymSys, Inc. Former director, First American Bank of Maryland. Member, Prince George's Community College Foundation; Healthcare Reform Task Force, Maryland Hospital Association; Maryland Chamber of Commerce; Prince George's County Chamber of Commerce; American Cancer Society; Apartment/Office Building Association. Member, Kiwanis Club, Knights of Columbus; Prince George's Jaycees; Lion's Club. Jaycee International Senator, Jaycees organization. Outstanding Young Marylander. Citizenship Award, C&P Telephone Company. Community Service Award, Prince George's County Human Relations Commission. Prince Georgean of the Year Award, Prince George's Chamber of Commerce, 1988. Lector and Cantor, St. Jerome's Catholic Church, Hyattsville, Maryland. Married; seven children, ten grandchildren.

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