Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




[photo, Wayne K. Curry, County Executive, Prince George's County, Maryland] WAYNE K. CURRY (1951-2014)
County Executive (Democrat), 1994-2002

County Executive, Prince George's County, December 1994 to December 2, 2002. Board of Directors, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, 1994-2002.

Past chair, School Superintendent's Advisory Committee on Black Male Achievement, Prince George's County. Past chair, Substance Abuse Advisory Board, Prince George's County. Member, Woodrow Wilson Bridge Improvement Study Coordination Committee, 1992-97; Maryland Comprehensive Transit Plan Transit Advisory Panel, 1998-99; Prince George's Hospital System Improvement Task Force, 2002.

Member, Governor-elect's Transition Team, 2002-03. Member, Governor's Commission on Minority Business Reform, 2003; Maryland Port Commission, 2003-06. Chair, Board of Directors, Prince George's County Economic Development Corporation, 2013-14.

Born in Brooklyn, New York, January 6, 1951. Attended Prince George's County public schools; Tuxedo-Cheverly ELementary School; Bladensburg High School; Western Maryland College, B.S. (psychology), 1972; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D. (with honors), 1980. Attorney. Partner, Meyers, Billingsley, Shipley, Curry, Rodbell & Rosenbaum. General Counsel, Dimensions Health Corporation, 1984-92. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 1996, 2000, 2008. President, NAI Michael (real estate company), 2011-14. Member, Maryland Association of Counties (legislative committee). Chair, Large Urban County Caucus, National Association of Counties. Advisory Board, Community Foundation for Prince George's County. Past chair, Justice and Public Safety Steering Committee, National Association of Counties. Past chair, United Way Campaign of Prince George's County. Past president, Prince George's County Chamber of Commerce. Past director, United Communities Against Poverty; Bonnie Johns Children's Fund. Past member, board of directors, Prince George's County Christmas in April. Washingtonian of the Year, Washingtonian Magazine, 1997. Married; two children. Died in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, July 2, 2014.

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