Appointed by Board of County Commissioners, the County Administrator is responsible for the day-to-day operations of County government (County Code, secs. 3-13 through 3-14).
In 1983, the Ethics Commission was established by the Board of County Commissioners. The Commission hears and rules on alleged violations of the County Ethics Code. Advised by the County Attorney, the Commission is responsible for developing forms to meet the County ethics laws.
Annually, the Commission submits a report to the State Ethics Commission, showing County compliance with State law governing the public ethics of local officials with respect to conflicts of interest, financial disclosure, and lobbying (Code General Provisions Article, secs. 5-804 through 5-812).
Five members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners constitute the Commission. Members serve three-year terms (County Code, secs. 29-1 through 29-9).
Origins of the Finance Office and its oversight of County finances trace to the 18th century. From 1776 to 1843, the financial supervision of Maryland counties was overseen by two State Treasurers. One served the Eastern Shore, and the other, the counties west of the Chesapeake. In 1843, the two positions merged, and a single State Treasurer began to oversee each county's finances. In 1890, the position of County Treasurer was established by State law (Chapter 203, Acts of 1890). At that time, the County Treasurer was appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to serve a two-year term.
Since 1895, the Kent County Treasurer has been elected by the voters (Chapter 292, Acts of 1894). In 1930, the term for the Treasurer expanded to four-years (Chapter 146, Acts of 1929). The office of County Treasurer was dissolved in 1990, when its duties were assigned to the Director of Budget and Accounting. In 2006, the Director of Budget and Accounting was renamed as Chief Finance Officer (County Code 1989, Chapter 9, Art. 1, secs. 9-1 through 9-9; County Code, sec. 54-1).
The Finance Office is responsible for budgetary matters, tax levies, and all fiscal matters of County government. The Office also maintains an office in Chestertown, which allows for in-person payment of fines, fees, and taxes, including payment for water and wastewater services, MVA sticker renewal, and purchase or renewal of dog licenses (County Code, secs. 54-1 through 54-3).
Founded as Information Systems in 2004, the Information Technology Department adopted its current name in May 2009. The Department acquires, maintains, and develops digital systems and networks to meet the technological needs of County agencies. The Department also advises the Board of County Commissioners on matters of information technology use, development, and need. Overseeing and improving the County’s digital infrastructure, the Department aids resident as well as government communication.
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