![[County Seal, Howard County, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/how/images/1198-1-894b.gif)
The Seal, based on the Stabler design, is a shock of wheat, centrally dominant, with a hand plow to the left and a pike harrow to the right. All three are centered in a plowed field with tobacco plants growing in the foreground. Trees and rolling hills form the background. A cloudless sky forms the upper third of the design.
When rendered in color, the design colors shall be as follows: The sky, prussian blue-medium; the wheat, yellow ochre; the hills, graduated shades of terraverte; the tobacco plant in the foreground, chrome-green-medium; the trees, a dark shade of chrome green; the soil, burnt umber-medium; the spike harrow and the plow blade, ivory black diluted to gray; and the plow handles, burnt sienna-medium.
The Seal or any reproduction of it may not be made or used for any purpose other than for the official business of Howard County, unless expressly approved in writing by the Chief Administrative Officer.
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