Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




[photo, L. Jesse Banes, Sheriff, Harford County, Maryland] L. JESSE BANE
Sheriff (Democrat), 2006-14

Sheriff, Harford County, December 5, 2006 to December 1, 2014 Deputy Sheriff, Harford County, 1972-2006.

Member, Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, Harford County, 2006-14; Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council [Mental Health & Addictions Advisory Council], Harford County, 2006-14. Chair, Police Commission, Harford County. Chair, Delinquency Prevention Policy Board, Harford County. Member, Criminal Justice Information Advisory Board, 2010-14. Chair, Traffic Safety Task Force, Harford County, 2012-14. Member, Governor's Commission to Reform Maryland's Pretrial System, 2014. Past member, Board of Directors, Community Action Agency, Harford County; Sexual Assault/Spouse Abuse Research Center, Harford County.

Town Administrator, Bel Air, since July 2015 (interim town administrator, jan. - june, 2015).

Attended Bel Air High School, Bel Air, Maryland; University of Maryland College Park, B.A. (criminology), 1972; National Crime Prevention Institute, University of Louisville, 1978. Member, National Sheriffs' Association; Maryland Sheriffs' Association, 2006-. President, Maryland Sheriffs' Institute, 2010- (vice-president, 2009-10). Member, Maryland Chiefs' of Police Association; Maryland Law Enforcement Officers, Inc. Board of Directors, Greater Edgewood Education Foundation; Harford Leadership Academy. Member, Greater Fallston Association; Route 40 Business Association; Harford County Chamber of Commerce. Past president and founding member, Maryland Crime Prevention Association. Past member, Board of Directors, Harford County Partnership for Families, Inc.; Inner County Outreach. Past chair, Fallston Community Council. Police Officer of the Year, Baltimore Sun, 1981, 1996. Humanitarian of the Year, Greater Fallston Democratic Club, 1994. Governor's Crime Prevention Award, 1999. Most Beautiful Person, Harford County, 2006. Safe and Secure Neighborhoods Award, Edgewood Community Council, 2008. Distinguished Service Award, Maryland Law Enforcement Officers, Inc., 2008. Joseph Bond, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Humanitarian Award, Harford County Human Relations Commission, 2011. Bernard Cook Meritorious Leadership Ward, United Way of Central Maryland, 2011. Award for traffic safety initiative, Maryland Highway Safety Office, 2013. Married.

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