Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



FY2020 FY2021
FUNDS (approp.) (approp.)
County $702,396,600
State $5,176,403
Federal $2,021,371
Total Funds $709,594,374
Authorized 1,494.4
Contractual (FTE) 300.0
Total Staff 1,794.4

FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual.) (actual.) (audited)
County $622,867,904 $318,556,979 $636,318,420 $622,394,243 $661,178,395
State $3,688,840 $13,736,680 $3,642,696 $3,412,977 $4,727,621
Federal $2,072,518 $108,943 $2,295,428 $2,413,995 $2,061,367
Total Funds $628,629,262 $332,402,602 $642,256,544 $628,221,215 $667,967,383
Authorized 1,617 1,609.4 1,489.4 1,486.4 1,485.4
Contractual (FTE)* 294 248.0 330.0 320.0 300.0
Total Staff 1,911 1,857.4 1,819.4 1,806.4 1,785.4

*(does not include Sheriff's Office, State's Attorney, Judicial, or summer hires)

FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual)
County $587,881,856 $555,549,755 $611,216,488 $693,506,458 $318,556,979
State $2,600,360 $2,374,084 $2,168,235 $2,645,198 $13,736,680
Federal $1,162,464 $264,320 $2,865,093 $2,439,104 $108,943
Total Funds $591,644,680 $558,188,159 $616,249,816 $698,590,760 $332,402,602
Authorized 1,594 1,583 1,583.7 1,595.1 1,609.4
Contractual (FTE)* 139 151 221.0 248.0 248.0
Total Staff 1,733 1,734 1,804.7 1,843.1 1,857.4

FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual)
County $411,338,339 $479,468,103 $505,797,519 $575,299,468 $599,521,711
State $13,815,063 $16,851,818 $17,444,930 $16,528,907 $14,538,053
Federal $216,844 $127,731 $112,658 $100,853 $269,290
Total Funds $425,370,246 $496,447,652 $523,355,107 $591,929,228 $614,329,054
Authorized 1,417.5 1,469.6 1,547.1 1,590.6 1,614.6
Contractual (FTE)* 428.0 338.0 314.0 295.0 284.0
Total Staff 1,845.5 1,807.6 1,861.1 1,885.6 1,898.6

FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual)
County $290,618,327 $318,556,979 $348,864,336 $408,967,290 $406,847,321
State $12,602,788 $13,736,680 $14,153,001 $13,685,527 $11,085,371
Federal $240,748 $108,943 $90,373 $404,158 $278,627
Total Funds $303,461,863 $332,402,602 $363,107,710 $423,056,975 $418,211,319
Authorized 1,384.6 1,383.5 1,382.3 1,391.8 1,384.9
Contractual (FTE)* 435.0 385.0 422.0 460.0 462.0
Total Staff 1,819.6 1,768.5 1,804.3 1,851.8 1,846.9

FY1995 FY1996 FY1997 FY1998 FY1999
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual) (approp.)
County $212,505,070 $219,260,886 $243,725,602 $262,108,025 $279,486,964
State $8,629,448 $8,883,078 $9,243,896 $10,551,173 $12,154,217
Federal $69,615 $459,372 $99,634 $110,532 $96,882
Total Funds $221,204,133 $228,604,136 $253,069,132 $272,769,730 $291,738,063
Authorized 1,148.4 1,163.7 1,238.4 1,307.3 1,351.5
Contractual (FTE)* 145.0 184.0 208.0 240.0 273.0
Total Staff 1,293.4 1,347.7 1,446.4 1,547.3 1,624.5

actual = actual expenditures
approp. = appropriations
FTE = full-time equivalent
*Does not include Circuit Court, Sheriff's Office, State's Attorney, or summer hires.

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