![[photo, James C. Hinebaugh, Jr., Board of County Commissioners, Garrett County, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/ga/leg/images/1198-1-07268b.jpg)
- Board of County Commissioners
Frederick A. Thayer III Courthouse, 203 South 4th St., Oakland, MD 21550
(301) 334-8970; fax: (301) 334-5000
Member, Board of County Commissioners, Garrett County, representing District 3, since December 9, 2014.
Member, Board of Health, Garrett County, 2014-; Mental Health Advisory Committee, Garrett County, 2014-; Local Emergency Planning Committee, Garrett County, 2014-; Planning Commission, Garrett County, 2014-.
Chair, Tri-County Council for Western Maryland, 2020 (chair, 2016-18; secretary-treasurer, 2014-16, 2018; vice-chair, 2019).
Director, Department of Economic Development, Garrett County, 1995-2012. Member, Maryland Task Force to Study the Effectiveness of the State's Enterprise Zone Program, 1999; Western Maryland Economic Development Task Force, 1999-2002; Task Force to Study the Maryland Enterprise Zone Program, 2000; Task Force on Resource-Based Industry in Maryland, 2000-01; Western Maryland Economic Development Commission, 2003-04.
Born in Oakland, Maryland, December 12, 1946. Attended Southern Garrett High School, Oakland, Maryland; University of Southern Mississippi, B.S. (mathematics & computer science), 1974; Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, M.B.A. (public administration), 1988. Served in U.S. Army, 1966-95 (defense distinguished service medal; legion of merit; bronze star with "v" device; air medal; meritorious service medal; valorous unit award; vietnamese cross of gallantry); U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1988-95. Director of Operations, Railey Mountain Lake Vacations, 2012-14. Board of Directors, Garrett County Development Corporation, 1995-; Garrett College Foundation, Inc., 2013-. Board of Directors, Maryland Association of Counties, 2019- (legislative committee, 2015-). Member, American Legion Post no. 0214, Grantsville; Elks Lodge no. 2481, Oakland; Veterans of Foreign Wars Post no. 10077, Deer Park. Member, St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Oakland, Maryland. Married; two children.
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