Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




[photo, P. Richard Sanders, Jr., Sheriff, Garrett County, Maryland] P. RICHARD SANDERS, JR.
Sheriff (Republican), 1997-2006

Sheriff, Garrett County, 1997 to December 2006. Chief Deputy Sheriff, Garrett County, 1994-97.

Member, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Garrett County, 2004-06.

Maryland State Police, 1961-84. Investigator, Public Defenders Office, Garrett County, 1984-94.

Attended Allegany High School, Cumberland, Maryland; Potomac State University College, Keyser, West Virginia; National Sheriff's Institute, Colorado, 2000. Served in U.S. Army 1958-61. Owner and operator, Sanders Investigations and Security, 1984-94. Member, Maryland Sheriffs' Association, 1997-; National Sheriff's Association; National Troopers Coalition; Maryland Troopers Association; Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge no.40; Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge no.99; Maryland State Police Alumni Association; Maryland Chiefs of Police Association. Member, Oakland Masonic Lodge no.192, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry; Ali Ghan Temple, Royal Order of Jesters no.117; Elks, Oakland Lodge no.2481; American Legion, Proctor Kildow Post no.71; Oakland/Mt. Lake Park Lions; Casselman Valley Sportsman's Club; National Rifle Association; Law Enforcement Alliance of America. Member, Bethel United Methodist Church. Married; one son; one grandson.

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