Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



1755. British Gen. Edward Braddock (1695-1755) led expedition, traveling through Grantsville area to the west. French and Indians defeated Braddock's forces near Fort Duquesne (present-day Pittsburgh). Indians attacked western settlers.

1767, June. Surveyors Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon continue work west of forks of Potomac River and Fort Cumberland.

1778. General Assembly reserved all unpatented lands "westward of Fort Cumberland" for Maryland soldiers of the Revolution.

[photo, Casselman Bridge, Grantsville, Maryland] 1813. Casselman Bridge opened east of Grantsville.

1816. Maryland section of National Road completed.

1851. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad reached Oakland area.

Casselman Bridge, Grantsville, Maryland, October 2015. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

1862. Oakland incorporated.

1864. Grantsville incorporated.

1872, Dec. 4. Garrett County formed from western Allegany County; named for John Work Garrett (1820-1884).

1873, July. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad opened Deer Park Hotel, Garrett County.

1877. First Courthouse erected at Oakland.

1884. Deer Park incorporated.

1896. Loch Lynn Heights incorporated.

1898, Nov. 9. Eastern border with Allegany County defined by Bauer Report.

1902. Friendsville incorporated.

1906, April 5. John and Robert Garrett of Baltimore gave nearly 2,000 acres of land in Swallow Falls area for what became Garrett State Forest.

1906. Kitzmiller incorporated.

1908, Nov. Second Courthouse completed at Oakland

1916. Accident incorporated.

1917. First Garrett County Fair held at Oakland.

1925. Pennsylvania Electric Company constructed Deep Creek Dam, which created Deep Creek Lake.

1931. Mountain Lake Park incorporated.

1965. Appalachian Regional Commission established by federal statute.

1967. Garrett Community College founded.

1968. Governor's Council for Appalachian Maryland created.

1971. Tri-County Council for Western Maryland formed.

1973. Maryland joined Interstate Mining Compact Commission.

2002, July 1. Garrett Community College renamed Garrett College.

2004, March 2. Electronic voting system used during primary elections at polling places and for absentee ballots in all counties and Baltimore City.

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