The Department of Emergency Services includes Animal Control Services, the Emergency Management Division, Emergency Medical Services, and Fire and EMS Communications. The Department is aided by the Board of Fire and Rescue Commissioners and the Local Emergency Planning Committee.Appointed by the Governor on recommendation of the Board of County Commissioners, the Director oversees the Department (Code Public Safety Article, sec. 14-109).
The Board of Fire and Rescue Commissioners is responsible for distributing funds from the fire, rescue and emergency medical services tax. Financial records from fire, medical and rescue companies operating in the County are reviewed by the Board, which makes recommendations to companies on fiscal practices to meet equipment and facility needs. The Board also administers the County’s benefit fund for retired emergency service providers whose service totaled or exceeded 25 years.
Seven members constitute the Board. Serving four-year terms, two members are appointed by the Governor, and two by the Board of County Commissioners. One member each is elected to a one-year term from the Charles County Volunteer Firemen’s Association, and the Charles County Association of Emergency Medical Services. A County Commissioner serves ex officio (County Code, secs. 54-1 through 54-11).
Authorized by the federal Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986 (secs. 300-330), the Local Emergency Planning Committee collects and maintains lists of material and chemical agents used in Charles County that could pose a threat to residents or the environment. The Committee submits these lists to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, makes information available to the public, and uses this information to develop preparation guidelines for chemical emergencies. In addition to developing emergency plans and guidelines, the Committee advises the Department of Emergency Services and the Board of County Commissioners on matters relating to chemical and environmental threats.
Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) is offered by the Department of Emergency Services to educate residents on how to respond to emergencies, ranging from natural disasters to acts of terrorism. Training covers classes on fire suppression, emergency medical practices, and search and rescue procedures.
Enforcing the County's animal regulations, Animal Control Services conducts regular patrols; responds to calls from residents; and inspects animal establishments, such as shelters, zoos, or circuses. Animal Control Services also conducts public information programs to notify residents of regulations and programs offered by the County.The Chief of Animal Control supervises animal control officers, who respond to emergency calls related to animals. Officers conduct investigations regarding complaints of stray or vicious animals, or at the request of the Animal Matters Hearing Board. Investigating animal bites, officers are required to alert the Board, as well as the County Health Department, and report their findings. Subpoenas issued by the Board are delivered by officers who notify owners if their animal is impounded (County Code, secs. 230-1 through 230-16).
Advising the Board of County Commissioners, the Animal Matters Hearing Board makes recommendations on changes to law, and hears allegations concerning violation of animal regulations. In response to allegations, the Board may request that an investigation be conducted by Animal Control Services. In response to findings, the Board may levy fines, confine or seize an animal, or dismiss any case brought before it.
Annually, the Board submits a report to the Board of County Commissioners on all rulings and findings.
The Chief of Animal Control Services advises the Animal Matters Hearing Board, and is responsible for enforcing rulings made by the Board.
Up to nine members comprise the Board. They are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to four-year terms (County Code, sec. 230-4).
Located in Hughesville, the Tri-County Animal Shelter receives and cares for stray and unwanted animals, and allows for the adoption of animals in its care (County Code, sec. 230-7). In cooperation with animal services from Calvert and St. Mary’s counties, Charles County Animal Control Services operates the Tri-County Animal Shelter.
The Emergency Management Division serves as liaison to federal, State and local government agencies, and coordinates efforts during emergencies. Responsible for developing and maintaining the County's emergency operations plan, the Division supervises emergency preparation, and conducts education and training programs for County employees and residents (Code Public Safety Article, secs. 14-109 through 14-113).EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES
To ensure that emergency medical care is available to residents in all areas of the County, Emergency Medical Services maintains and operates a fleet of response vehicles to provide on-site and in-transit medical care. During emergencies, Emergency Medical Services may operate in other jurisdictions, at their request.FIRE & EMS COMMUNICATIONS
Fire and Emergency Medical Services Communications directs the County's emergency communication network. Through this network, State, County, local and volunteer units are coordinated to respond to emergencies. The Agency also maintains local emergency responder radio systems, and receives 911 calls for the County.FIRE MARSHAL
For the Southern Region (Calvert, Charles & St. Mary’s counties), the Deputy State Fire Marshal serves as an assistant to the State Fire Marshal, and is responsible for fire safety in Charles County. The Deputy oversees the investigation and enforcement of laws regarding arson; fire prevention; the installation and maintenance of fire detection and extinguisher equipment; the availability and adequacy of fire exits at public and commercial establishments; and the storage, sale, or use of explosives and combustibles (Code Public Safety Article, sec. 6-305).The Deputy State Fire Marshal is appointed by the State Fire Marshal (Code Public Safety Article, sec. 6-303).
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