Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




JAMES T. DeWEES, Sheriff (Republican)

Sheriff, Carroll County, since December 2, 2014.

Member, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Carroll County, 2014-; Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board, 2016-; Local Government Justice Reinvestment Commission, 2017-.

Former Commander, Special Operations Division, Special Operations Bureau, Department of State Police (trooper, 1991-99; corporal, 1999-2001; sergeant, 2001-05; 1st sergeant, 2005-09; lieutenant, 2009-12; captain, 2012-14).

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, December 14, 1970. Attended South Carroll High School, Winfield, Maryland; Mount Saint Mary's University, B.A. (criminal justice), 1995; Seton Hall University, M.A. (human resources), 2012; School of Police Staff and Command, Northwestern University. Member, Maryland Troopers Association, Lodge no. 20; National Tactical Operators Association. Governor's Citation for Valor, 1997. Superintendent's Citation for Valor, 1999, 2001. Married; three children.

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