Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



[photo, Margaret R. Bair, Orphans' Court Judge, Carroll County, Maryland] MARGARET R. BAIR, Judge (Republican)

    Orphans' Court, Courthouse Annex, Room 104
    55 North Court St., Westminster, MD 21157
    (410) 386-2086; fax: (410) 876-0657

Judge, Orphans' Court, Carroll County, since November 28, 2017.

Chair, Westminster Planning and Zoning Commission, 2005- (member, 1989-). Member, Wakefield Valley Task Force, City of Westminster, 2015-16. Past member, Bicentennial Committee, City of Westminster.

Born in Farmville, Virginia, August 28, 1947. Attended Marjorie Webster Junior College, Washington, DC; Villa Julie College, AA (paralegal studies), 1985. Abstractor, Central Maryland Abstracts, 1985-87. Business owner, The Collection, 1987-92. Notary Public, 1992-. Administrative Assistant, T. Rowe Price, 1995-2009. Administrative Assistant to Dean of Faculty and Associate Dean of Student Academic Life, McDaniel College, 2009-. Chair, Maryland Planning Commissioners Association, 1999-2000. Board of Governors, Westminster Riding Club, Inc., 1990-. Past president and member, Junior Women's Club of Westminster.

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