Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




[photo, Heather S. DeWees, Circuit Court Clerk, Carroll County, Maryland] HEATHER S. DeWEES, Clerk of Circuit Court (Republican)

Clerk of Circuit Court, Carroll County since December 4, 2018.

Born in Fairmont, West Virginia, August 10, 1973. Attended Fairmont Senior High School; Mount Saint Mary's University, B.A. (history & spanish), summa cum laude, 1995; Wake Forest University, M.A. (education), 1997. Former high school teacher (social studies), Western School of Technology and Environmental Science, Catonsville, Maryland; North Carroll High School, Hampstead, Maryland; Manchester Valley High School, Manchester, Maryland. Director, Hooked on Hoops Basketball Camps, Catonsville Recreation and Parks Council, 1998-, and North Carroll Recreation Council, 2007-. Girls varsity basketball coach, Manchester Valley High School, 2009-. Married; three children.

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