![[photo, Wilbur Levengood, Jr., County Commissioner, Caroline County, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/caro/leg/images/1198-1-07260b.jpg)
Courthouse, Room 123
109 Market St., Denton, MD 21629
(410) 479-0660/1; fax: (410) 479-4060
Member, County Commissioners of Caroline County, since December 7, 2010 (vice-president, Jan. 1, 2012 to Jan. 8, 2013, Dec. 2, 2014 to Dec. 15, 2015, Jan. 2018 to Dec. 2018; president, Jan. 8, 2013 to Jan. 2, 2014, & Dec. 15, 2015 to Dec. 2016).
Chair, Roads Board, Caroline County, 2010-11. Member, Board of Health, Caroline County, 2010-; Planning Commission, Caroline County, 2011-; Safety Committee, Caroline County. Chair, Board of Estimates, Caroline County, 2012-.
Member, Mid-Shore Regional Council, 2010-; Executive Board, Rural Maryland Council, 2016-; Phosphorus Management Tool Transition Advisory Committee, 2020-.
Born in Dover, Delaware, May 12, 1955. Attended North Caroline High School, Ridgely, Maryland; Chesapeake College; Shore Leadership, Class of 2013; Academy for Excellence in Local Government, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland. Farmer since 1975 and small business owner. Fleet Manager, Caroline County Department of Public Works, 1986-2010 (first employed by Caroline County Roads Department in 1975; shop forman, 1979-86). Life member, Goldsboro Volunteer Fire Company (board of trustees, 2003-). President, Caroline County Farm Bureau, 2004-08. Member, Choptank Tributary Team, 2004-; Executive Committee, Clean Chesapeake Coalition, 2012-. 1st Vice-President, Maryland Association of Counties, 2020 (board of directors, 2016-; education subcommittee, 2011-; legislative committee; 2nd vice-president, 2019). Past member, School Improvement Team, North Caroline High School. Employee of the Year, Caroline County Department of Public Works, 2002. President's Award, Goldsboro Volunteer Fire Company, 2011. Married; one daughter.
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