Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



[photo, J. Ellery Adams, Orphans' Court Judge, Caroline County, Maryland] J. ELLERY ADAMS, Judge (Republican)

    Orphans' Court
    P. O. Box 416
    Courthouse, 109 Market St., Denton, MD 21629 - 0416
    (410) 479-0717; fax: (410) 479-4983

Judge, Orphans' Court, Caroline County, since December 2, 2014.

Member, Goldsboro Town Council, 1982-83. President, Preston Town Commission, 2004-06, 2007-09. Municipal member, Mid-Shore Regional Council, 2005-09. Chaplain, Maryland Defense Force, 2006-10.

Born in Trappe, Maryland, February 27, 1942. Licensed general contractor. Ordained minister, Wesleyan Church, 1978. Owner and operator, Jensenstead Senior Apartments. Founder and director, The Rescue Group (musical group), 1986-. Assistant to Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church of Denton, 2009-. Member, Trappe Volunteer Fire Company, 1957-62 (executive officer, 1959-62); Goldsboro Volunteer Fire Company, 1980-86 (executive officer, 1983-86). President, Preston Lions Club, 2005-06 (member, 1997-2008). Life member, Caroline County Historical Society. President, Eastern Shore Scenic Railroad, Inc., 2014-. Governor's Citation (for work with rescue group), 1994, 1999.

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