For Baltimore County, the Office of Law provides legal support, including research, review, opinions, and representation on matters pertaining to County government. Heading the Office, the County Attorney serves as legal advisor to the County Council, the County Executive, the County Administrative Officer, and all offices, departments, boards, commissions, and other administrative services agencies of the County, as well as the County's Board of Education and the Community Colleges (County Charter, Art. V, secs. 507-511). The County Attorney also handles all civil litigation involving the County, its officers, or employees.The Office of Law provides staff support to the Ethics Commission (County Code, Art. 3, sec. 3-3-1003).
For the purpose of guarding against improper influence, County law requires public officials to disclose their financial affairs, and sets minimum standards for the conduct of County business by public officials (County Charter, Art. X, sec. 1000; County Code, Art. 7, secs. 7-1-101 through 7-1-602).
Annually, the Commission submits a report to the State Ethics Commission, showing County compliance with State law governing the public ethics of local officials with respect to conflicts of interest, financial disclosure, and lobbying (Code General Provisions Article, secs. 5-804 through 5-812).
Appointed by the County Executive with County Council consent, the Ethics Commission consists of five members who serve three-year terms, beginning on June 5. The County Executive with County Council consent designates the chair for a one-year term (County Code, Art. 3, secs. 3-3-1001 through 3-3-1005).
For indigent defendants in Baltimore County, the District Public Defender provides legal representation, including related necessary services and facilities. The District Public Defender assures effective assistance and continuity of counsel to indigent accused taken into custody and indigent defendants in criminal and juvenile proceedings before Maryland courts (Code Criminal Procedure Article, secs. 16-201 through 16-213).STATE'S ATTORNEY
Starting in 1818, duties of the State's Attorney were first carried out by the District Attorney (Chapter 146, Acts of 1817 December session). Appointed by the Governor in each judicial district, the District Attorney prosecuted cases on behalf of the State. By 1821, the District Attorney was renamed the Deputy Attorney and was appointed by the Attorney General (Chapter 126, Acts of 1821 December session). The office of State's Attorney was first authorized in 1851 (Constitution of 1851, Art. V, secs. 1-5).The State's Attorney prosecutes and defends, on the part of the State, all criminal cases in Baltimore County in which the State may be interested (Code Criminal Procedure Article, secs. 15-101 through 15-109, 15-404).
In Baltimore County, the Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team was established in May 2006. The purpose of the Team is to prevent deaths related to domestic violence by promoting cooperation and coordination among agencies involved in investigating deaths related to domestic violence, or providing services to victims of domestic violence, abusers, or surviving members. The Team seeks to develop an understanding of the causes and incidences of deaths related to domestic violence in the county; and develop plans for and recommend changes within those agencies that members represent (Chapter 233, Acts of 2005; Code Family Law Article, secs. 4-701 through 4-707).
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