Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




ROGER B. HAYDEN (1945-2019)
County Executive (Republican), 1990-94

County Executive, Baltimore County, December 3, 1990 to December 2, 1994.

Member, Board of Education, Baltimore County, 1974-87, 2017-19 (president, 1981-87).

Associate Vice-President of Facilities Management, Towson University, 2009-13.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, November 26, 1944. Attended Sparrows Point High School, Sparrows Point, Maryland; Essex Junior College, A.A., 1965. Former vice-president of finance and vice-president of operations, Eastern Stainless Steel. Former vice-president of administration, George Transfer. Former associate vice-president for facilities management, Towson University. Director, Ballpark Operations, Oriole Park at Camden Yards, 1996-2008. President, The Hayden Consulting Group, LLC, 2014-19. Past president, American Lung Association of Maryland. Married; three children, one grandchild. Died in Timonium, Maryland, October 24, 2019.

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