Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

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[portrait of Spiro T. Agnew of Maryland] SPIRO T. AGNEW (1918-1996)
County Executive (Republican), 1962-66

Chair, Zoning Board of Appeals, Baltimore County, 1958-61, (member, 1957-61).

County Executive, Baltimore County, December 1962 to December 1966.

Governor of Maryland, January 25, 1967 to January 7, 1969. Resigned January 7, 1969. Member, Board of Public Works, 1967-69. Member, Executive Committee, Vice-Chair, Committee on State-Urban Relations, National Governors' Conference; Advisory Commitee, Inter-governmental Affairs; Appalachian Regional Commission, 1967-69; Southern Regional Education Board, 1967-69; Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, 1967-69; Educational Commission of the States, 1967-69; Hall of Records Commission, 1967-69. Board of Trustees, Maryland Environmental Trust, 1967-69; Maryland Historical Trust, 1967-69.

Vice-President of the United States, January 20, 1969 to October 10, 1973. Resigned October 10, 1973.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, November 9, 1918. Attended Baltimore public schools; The Johns Hopkins University, (chemistry), 1937-40. Served in U.S. Army; Company Commander, Tenth Armored Division, Europe, World War II (Bronze Star); and Korea. Former apprentice, firm of Karl F. Steinmann. University of Baltimore School of Law, L.L.B., 1947. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1949. Attorney. International trade executive. Director, National Association of Counties. President, Loch Raven Community Council. Member, Loch Raven Kiwanis Club; Parkville Post, American Legion; Order of Ahepa (Greek community organization). Author, The Canfield Decision (1976); Go Quietly . . . or Else (1980). Honorary doctor of laws, University of Maryland, and Morgan State College. Married; four children. Died September 17, 1996, in Berlin, Maryland. Interred, Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens, Timonium, Maryland.

On October 10, 1973, Mr. Agnew pleaded nolo contendere in U.S. District Court to a charge of income tax evasion. He was sentenced to three years of probation and fined $10,000.

On May 2, 1974, the Maryland Court of Appeals disbarred Mr. Agnew.

On April 27, 1981, as a result of a civil suit in Anne Arundel County Circuit Court, Mr. Agnew was ordered to pay the State of Maryland, the amount of bribes that the Court declared he had accepted, plus interest. Accordingly, in 1983, he paid Maryland $268,482.

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