Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



[photo, Gregg L. Bernstein, State's Attorney, Baltimore City, Maryland] GREGG L. BERNSTEIN
State's Attorney (Democrat), 2011-15

State's Attorney, Baltimore City, January 3, 2011 to January 5, 2015. Member, Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, Baltimore City, 2011-15; Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council [Baltimore Substance Abuse Systems], Baltimore City, 2011-15; State's Attorneys' Coodination Council, 2011-15.

Assistant U.S. Attorney, Office of U.S. Attorney, District of Maryland, 1987-91.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, July 9, 1955. Attended Milford Mill High School, Baltimore, Maryland; University of Maryland College Park, B.A. (english), 1977; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1981 (editor, maryland law review). Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1981. Law clerk to Judge Elsbeth L. Bothe, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 1981-82. Associate, Melnicove, Kaufman, Weiner, Smouse & Garbis, 1982-87. Partner, Miles & Stockbridge, 1991-93. Founding Partner, Martin, Snyder & Bernstein, P.A., 1993-2004. Partner, Zuckerman Spaeder L.L.P., 2004-11, 2015-. Member, American Bar Association (co-chair, white collar crime committee, criminal law section, mid-atlantic region); Maryland State Bar Association, 1981- (criminal subcommittee of pattern jury instruction committee, 2011-); National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers; Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys Association. Board of Governors, Maryland Chapter, Federal Bar Association (president, 2008-09). Fellow, American College of Trial Lawyers. Former adjunct professor, Columbus School of Law, The Catholic University of America. White Collar Criminal Defense, Best Lawyers in America, 2001-11, 2015. John Adams Award, U.S. District Court of Maryland, 2004. Local Litigation Star, Benchmark Litigation, 2008-11. Maryland Leadership in Law Award, Daily Record, 2015. America's Leading Lawyers, Chambers USA, 2019.

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