![[photo, Auditorium ceiling, Baltimore School for the Arts, 712 Cathedral St., Baltimore, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/bcity/images/1198-1-10150c.jpg)
In July 2017, the Baltimore City Public School Board Community Panel was established (Chapter 593, Acts of 2017). By the same law, the Mayor became the sole appointing authority for the Board of School Commissioners, a role previously shared with the Governor.
Convened by the Mayor, the Panel is to submit to the Mayor a list of qualified candidates for the Board of School Commissioners. The Mayor then appoints nine voting members to the Board from the list submitted by the Panel.
Auditorium ceiling, Baltimore School for the Arts, 712 Cathedral St., Baltimore, Maryland, October 2019. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
![[photo, Male Grammar School no. 1, 520 West Fayette St., Baltimore, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/bcity/images/buildings/1198-1-09175b.jpg)
By 1855, Baltimore had organized primary, grammar (intermediate) and high schools (Report of Commissioners of Public Schools, 1855). Night schools also were organized "for the reception of young mechanics, tradesmen, and others, who might wish to devote their evenings to the acquirement of such elementary branches of learning as are necessary in the transaction of ordinary business." A "Floating School, for the education of boys destined for nautical life" had been authorized by the City Council in 1854, but monies still had to be collected for "the purchase of a ship with the necessary appurtenances." Prior to 1867, no provision was made for the public education of African Americans, and thereafter only a system of segregated schools was provided. Not until September 1954 did Baltimore begin to desegregate its schools.
Male Grammar School no. 1, 520 West Fayette St., Baltimore, Maryland, August 2018. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
![[photo, Western High School, 4600 Falls Road, Baltimore, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/bcity/images/buildings/1198-1-10026c.jpg)
Western High School, 4600 Falls Road, Baltimore, Maryland, September 2019. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
In Baltimore City, the Department of Education is headed by the Board of School Commissioners (City Charter, Art. VII, secs. 59-64).
The Board of School Commissioners is responsible for the management of the Baltimore City Public School System. The Board determines educational policy for the Department of Education, provides forums at which residents of the City may express their views about educational policy and decision-making, and submits the annual budget for the Department. The Board also confirms or rejects all nominations by the Superintendent of principals, teachers, supervisors, directors, and other professional employees. Specifications for all educational supplies and equipment used by the Department are determined by the Board.
![[photo, Margaret Brent Elementary School, 100 East 26th St., Baltimore, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/bcity/images/1198-1-3977.jpg)
Margaret Brent Elementary School, 100 East 26th St., Baltimore, Maryland, July 2009. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
The Board of School Commissioners consists of nine members appointed by the Mayor to four-year terms from a list of qualified candidates recommended by the Baltimore City Public School Board Community Panel (City Charter, Art. VII, secs. 59-64; Chapter 593, Acts of 2017; Code Education Article, sec. 3-108.1). Also, to serve on the Board, a student member wth restricted voting rights is selected annually by the Associated Student Congress of Baltimore City (Code Education Article, sec. 3-108.1). Beginning with the general election of 2022, the Board will add two at-large elected members each to serve a four-year term (Chapter 723, Acts of 2016; Code Education Article, sec. 3-108.1).
![[photo, Enoch Pratt Free Library, 400 Cathedral St., Baltimore, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/bcity/images/1198-1-2530.jpg)
Enoch Pratt Free Library, 400 Cathedral St., Baltimore, Maryland, October 2007. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
![[photo, Light Street Branch Library, Enoch Pratt Free Library, 1251 Light St., Baltimore, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/bcity/images/1198-1-1383.jpg)
Light Street Branch Library, Enoch Pratt Free Library, 1251 Light St., Baltimore, Maryland, June 2006. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
The Board of Trustees of Enoch Pratt Free Library organized in 1883 (Chapter 181, Acts of 1882; Baltimore City Council Ordinance no. 106 of 1882).
In 1971, the Central Library of the Enoch Pratt Free Library System was designated as the State Library Resource Center (Chapter 770, Acts of 1971). The Center lends books and other materials to libraries in the State Library Network from sources within Maryland and out of State via the Maryland Interlibrary Organization. It also provides information to State government through the Government Reference Service (Code Education Article, sec. 23-201).
The Center administers Sailor, Maryland's online electronic information network. Overseen by the Division of Library Development and Services of the State Department of Education in conjunction with the Center, Sailor connects Marylanders to information resources within the State and worldwide. It also provides access to Internet resources. Sailor allows users to identify and locate books; articles in magazines, newspapers, and journals; answers to specific questions; or information on a particular topic. It gives information about services of public and private agencies; and government information, such as proposed legislation, job listings, and census data. In all twenty-three counties and Baltimore City, Sailor is available without charge through libraries and by dial access on modem-equipped computers.
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