Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



[photo, Amanda Fiedler, County Council, Anne Arundel County, Maryland] AMANDA FIEDLER, Member, County Council (Republican)

Member, County Council, Anne Arundel County, representing Councilmanic District 5, since December 3, 2018. Member, Board of Health, Anne Arundel County, 2018-.

Born in Annapolis, Maryland, April 25, 1979. Attended Broadneck High School, Annapolis, Maryland; Salisbury State University, B.A. (communication arts), 2001. Account Executive, WZZ-FM, Washington DC, 2005-06. Account Executive (national television sales), HRP, Virginia, 2006-09 (sales associate, 2002-05). Media buyer, SRCP Media, Alexandria, Virginia, 2010-. Founder, Parents Rallying Officials For Increased Teacher Salaries, 2015-18. Member, Women's and Children's Patient and Family Advisory Council, 2015- (co-chair, 2018-). President, Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), Broadneck Elementary School, 2018-. Married; three children.

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