Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



NANCY C. PHELPS, Chief Judge (Republican)

    Orphans' Court
    P. O. Box 2368
    Courthouse, 4th floor
    8 Church Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401 - 2368
    (410) 222-1430; 1-800-679-6665 (toll free)

Chief Judge, Orphans' Court, Anne Arundel County, since October 1, 2009 (judge, 1998-2009). Member, Conference of Orphans’ Court Judges, 2011-.

Member, Parks and Revenue Commission, Anne Arundel County.

Member, Anne Arundel Association of Realtors; Maryland Association of Realtors; National Association of Realtors. Board of Directors, Gateway Christian Ministries. Former representative on Glen Burnie Town Center Committee. Past secretary, Linthicum-Shipley Improvement Association (light rail committee). Member, Linthicum Woman's Club. Married; one son, two grandchildren.

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