In Maryland, legal provision was made in 1694 for free schools, which were those with a curriculum that included "Latin, Greek, Writing, and the like" (Chapter 31, Acts of 1694).
In 1696, King William's free school (later, St. John's College) was established in Anne Arundel County (Chapter 17, Acts of 1696). The Archbishop of Canterbury was named as Chancellor of the School, and a Board of Trustees was granted general authority over the School by the General Assembly. Board members named were: Sir Thomas Lawrence, Col. George Robotham, Col. Charles Hutchins, Col. John Addison, Reverend Peregrin Cony, Mr. John Hewett, Robert Smith, Kenelm Cheseldyne, Henry Coursey, Edward Dorsey, Thomas Ennals, Thomas Tasker, Francis Jenkins, William Dent, Thomas Smith, Edward Boothby, John Thompson, and John Bigger. They were to erect the School, manage its funds and property, and create rules and regulations for its governance.
![[photo, Anne Arundel County Free School, Davidsonville, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/01glance/museums/an/images/i002916b.jpg)
Anne Arundel County Free School, Davidsonville, Maryland, April 1999. Photo by Diane P. Frese.
Trustees for the Education of Poor Children. In 1816, additional funds were authorized for public schools in five counties, including Anne Arundel (Chapter 244, Acts of 1816). Each of the levy courts in these counties were to appoint Trustees for the Education of Poor Children. The Trustees (seven from each election district) were to take a census of poor children above eight years of age. Anne Arundel County’s Board of Education originated from the Trustees for the Education of Poor Children. A county collector was authorized to receive school taxes and pass those revenues to a treasurer of the County school fund.
The Department of Education is governed by the County Board of Education (Code Education Article, secs. 4-101 through 4-126). In addition, through the review and approval of the annual operating and capital budgets, Anne Arundel County government exercises authority over the County Public Schools. Moreover, through the establishment and monitoring of various financial and academic policies and regulations, the State Department of Education also has considerable oversight of county public schools. Indeed, under Maryland law, the State Department of Education works with county public schools to comply with requirements and mandates of federal law.The Department of Education consists of the Board of Education, the Superintendent of Schools, and those employed in the County Public School System (County Charter, sec. 551).
In Anne Arundel County, the Department of Education is responsible for 130 schools: 12 high schools, 19 middle schools, 79 elementary schools, and 20 other schools. In Fiscal Year 2018, some 82,777 students were enrolled in the County's public schools.
Duties of the Anne Arundel County Board of Education began with the State School Fund Commissioners, the County School Commissioners, the Commissioners of Primary Schools, and the Board of County School Commissioners.
State School Fund Commissioners. The General Assembly, in 1816, appointed nine commissioners to oversee the State school fund in each county (Chapter 256, Acts of 1816). The commissioners were to “establish a central free school in each election district” and report back to the General Assembly on how funds were used. It is not clear in the 1816 law if the word “free” refers to the classical curriculum described in 1694 or lack of tuition.
By 1818, monies entrusted to Anne Arundel County’s Trustees for the Education of Poor Children were returned to the Levy Court to be overseen by the commissioners of the State school fund (Chapter 200, Acts of 1818).
County School Commissioners. In 1825, a statewide public education system was formed (Chapter 162, Acts of 1825). The justices of the levy courts in each county appointed nine school commissioners who were to divide the county into school districts. The levy courts also appointed up to eighteen inspectors of primary schools for each county. The inspectors were to examine teachers, issue teacher certificates, visit schools, give suggestions to teachers and school trustees, and report to school commissioners. Elected by the voters of each school district, three trustees were to purchase schoolhouse sites, repair and furnish the schoolhouses, and hire all teachers within the district. Authorized to keep records of school commissioner meetings, a district clerk was elected by the voters annually. A district collector collected monies from school taxes.
Commissioners of Primary Schools. In Anne Arundel County, the School Commissioners appointed by the Levy Court were named Commissioners of Primary Schools in 1827 (Chapter 173, Acts of 1827). The Commissioners distributed the primary school fund to school district trustees. Trustees used the funds to purchase school sites, erect school buildings, and hire teachers. The trustees were to report to the Commissioners, who, in turn, were to report to the General Assembly.
In each Anne Arundel County school district, white, male citizens over the age of 21 were given power to vote on the establishment of schools by 1829 (Chapter 146, Acts of 1829). This was an early attempt to allow citizens representation in the public school system.
In 1840, the West River Academy was established in Owensville, Anne Arundel County (Chapter 10, Acts of 1840). Authorized to hold property and create regulations for the Academy, Doctor Martin Fenwick, Henry A. Hall, Alexander I. Murray, John G. Rogers, Sprigg Harwood, Henry Owens, and Francis Bird were named Trustees of the West River Academy.
For the purpose of funding primary schools in Anne Arundel County, additional taxes were levied by 1853 (Chapter 255, Acts of 1853). Levying taxes for further funding of primary schools reoccurred frequently in Anne Arundel County.
Board of County School Commissioners. In 1865, the State Board of Education called for a “uniform system of Free Public Schools” (Chapter 160, Acts of 1865). The public school system became centralized; “supervision and control of Public Instruction” was vested in the State Board of Education. The State Board appointed boards of county school commissioners in each county to serve four-year terms. Three years later, boards of county school commissioners regained control and supervision over county schools (Chapter 407, Acts of 1868). The public school system was no longer accountable to the State Board of Education. Within each county, voters elected county school commissioners, from each election district, to two-year terms. These school commissioners had custody over schoolhouse property and were expected to pay teacher salaries.
For all counties, including Anne Arundel, the school commissioners reorganized in 1870 (Chapter 311, Acts of 1870). County circuit court judges were to appoint three school commissioners for their respective counties. At the same time, the Board of State School Commissioners, previously named the State Board of Education, was reformed.
In 1892, the Governor gained authority to appoint county school commissioners (Chapter 341, Acts of 1892). That year, three school commissioners were appointed for Anne Arundel County to serve six-year terms. By 1900, the Governor was to take into consideration minority party representation when appointing county school commissioners (Chapter 29, Acts of 1900).
In Annapolis, a public school building was authorized to be erected in 1894 (Chapter 620, Acts of 1894). A building committee appointed by the General Assembly purchased the school house site, developed building plans, and hired an architect for the building. Also in Annapolis, a high school was to be built in 1898.
The Visitors of the Anne Arundel County Free School were authorized to sell most School property in order to fund the building of a new schoolhouse in 1910 (Chapter 577, Acts of 1910). The new schoolhouse was to be constructed on two acres of the original property; however, those two acres later were sold as well.
![[photo, Rosenwald School (now Galesville Community Center), Galesville (Anne Arundel County), Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/an/images/buildings/1198-1-08601b.jpg)
Rosenwald School (now Galesville Community Center), Galesville (Anne Arundel County), Maryland, April 2018. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
The Rosenwald School of Galesville was built as an elementary school for African-American children in 1929. Constructed as a one-room school, it was expanded to a two-room school in 1931 under the Julius Rosenwald Program.
Board of Education. Boards of county school commissioners were renamed boards of education in 1916 (Chapter 506, 1916). They were to be appointed by the Governor without regard to political affiliation.
Today, the Board of Education oversees educational matters that affect Anne Arundel County Public Schools (Code Education Article, sec. 4-102).
![[photo, North County High School, 10 East 1st Ave., Glen Burnie, MD]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/an/images/buildings/1198-1-09324c.jpg)
North County High School, 10 East 1st Ave., Glen Burnie, Maryland, October 2018. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Beginning with the November 2018 general election at which four members were elected, the Board is transitioning to an elected board. At the November 2020 general election, four more members will be elected (Chapter 473, Acts of 2017). The student member, however, will continue to be appointed by the Governor.
The School Board Appointment Commission originated as the School Board Nominating Commission of Anne Arundel County at a time when the Governor appointed the School Board. It was reorganized in 2017 by the General Assembly and renamed the School Board Appointment Commission (Chapter 35, Acts of 2016; Chapter 473, Acts of 2017).
Presently, vacancies for the Board of Education are nominated by the School Board Appointment Commission of Anne Arundel County (Code Education Article, sec. 3-110).
Park Elementary School, 201 East 11th Ave., Brooklyn Park (Anne Arundel County), Maryland, August 2010. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
![[photo, George Fox Middle School, 7922 Outing Ave, Pasadena, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/an/images/1198-1-07843b.jpg)
The Superintendent of Schools administers the Anne Arundel County Department of Education, and serves as executive officer, secretary, and treasurer of the Board of Education (Code Education Article, secs. 4-102; 4-201 through 4-206).
George Fox Middle School, 7922 Outing Ave, Pasadena, Maryland, September 2016. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
![[photo, Anne Arundel Community College at Glen Burnie Town Center, 101 Crain Highway, Glen Burnie, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/an/images/buildings/1198-1-09276c.jpg)
Anne Arundel Community College at Glen Burnie Town Center, 101 Crain Highway, Glen Burnie, Maryland, October 2018. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
![[photo, Florestano Building, west campus, Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/an/images/1198-1-1799.jpg)
The Board of Community College Trustees is the governing body for Anne Arundel Community College.
Appointed by the Governor with Senate advice and consent, eight members constitute the Board. Seven serve four-year terms, and a student member is appointed annually. Except for the student, members must be residents of Anne Arundel County (Chapters 245 & 246, Acts of 2020; Code Education Article, secs. 16-101 through 16-103).
Florestano Building, west campus, Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold, Maryland, April 2007. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
The Department of Libraries was founded in 1921 as the Annapolis and Anne Arundel County Public Library, Inc.First located in a second-floor room of the Municipal Building in Annapolis, the Anne Arundel County Public Library today oversees sixteen libraries throughout the County (County Charter, sec. 552; County Code, sec. 2-1-604).
![[photo, Brooklyn Park Public Library, Anne Arundel County Department of Libraries, 1 East 11th Ave., Brooklyn Park, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/an/images/1198-1-4489.jpg)
Brooklyn Park Community Library, Anne Arundel County Department of Libraries, 1 East 11th Ave., Brooklyn Park, Maryland, August 2010. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
In August 2014, three former area libraries were renamed regional libraries. At that time, the Annapolis Area Library was renamed Annapolis Regional Library, the North County Area Library became Glen Burnie Regional Library, and the West County Area Library was renamed the Odenton Regional Library.
In October 2019, the Board of Library Trustees ended the use of "community" and "regional" in the names of libraries.
Policy for the Anne Arundel County Department of Libraries is set by the Board of Library Trustees.
Self-perpetuating, the Board of Library Trustees is appointed by the Board of Library Trustees to three-year terms. When the Board revised its bylaws on December 17, 2015, it reduced its membership from twenty-four to seventeen members. While Board members still are appointed by the Board of Library Trustees, now seven members are nominated by the County Council, and one is recommended by the County Executive (Code Education Article, secs. 23-401; 23-403 through 23-407; County Charter, sec. 552).
At Westfield Annapolis Mall, Discoveries: the Library at the Mall opened April 30, 2018 as part of a pilot program. The Library became so popular that it moved in 2020 to a much larger section of the Mall with a spacious programming room, and a community pantry. Laptop computers are available for patrons to use in the Library.
Origins of the Glen Burnie Library trace to 1923, when the Glen Burnie Free Public Library, staffed by volunteers, was organized by the Glen Burnie Free Public Library Association. That library was in the Masonic Lodge on Crain Highway and later moved to the Kuethe Library constructed nearby in 1934 at 5 Crain Highway. The Kuethe Library became part of the County Library Sytem in 1957, but had to close and transfer its holdings later to the North County Library in 1991.
As part of the Anne Arundel Library System, the Glen Burnie Library formed as a branch library in 1953 at the Glen Burnie Junior High School within Glen Burnie High School. Thereafter, the Library moved to a Harundale house on Cotter Road, and then to the Kuethe Library, where it remained until 1991. At its current site at 1010 Eastway, the North County Library opened in 1969. It was renamed Glen Burnie Regional Library in August 2014, and returned to its older name - Glen Burnie Library - in October 2019.
To honor the late Speaker of the House of Delegates, the Annapolis Regional Library was renamed the Michael E. Busch Annapolis Library in January 2020. That remodeled library reopened on July 22, 2020.
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