![[photo, 200 Harry S Truman Parkway, Annapolis, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/33jud/images/1198-1-10366b.jpg)
200 Harry S Truman Parkway, Annapolis, Maryland, March 2020. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
The Commission is funded by annual assessments paid by attorneys wishing to practice in Maryland which constitute the Disciplinary Fund (Maryland Rule 19-705). A portion of the fee also is deposited in the Clients' Protection Fund of the Bar of Maryland. The Disciplinary Fund reimburses clients and third-parties for losses (not recoverable from other sources) caused by misuse of client money.
Twelve members make up the Commission. They consist of nine lawyers and three lay persons appointed to three-year terms by the Court of Appeals. The Chair and Vice-Chair are named by the Court of Appeals. The Commission selects the Executive Secretary (Maryland Rule 19-702).
The Commission formerly was located at the People's Resource Center, 100 Community Place, Crownsville, Maryland. It moved to its present Annapolis site in April 2015.
Subject to approval of the Court of Appeals, the Commission appoints an attorney to serve as Bar Counsel and principal executive officer of the disciplinary system. The Bar Counsel and staff investigate all matters involving possible misconduct, prosecute disciplinary proceedings, and investigate petitions for reinstatement (Maryland Rule 19-703, 19-711 through 19-718).
The Attorney Grievance Commission appoints the Peer Review Committee, and names its chair and vice-chair (Maryland Rules 19-704). The Committee consists of the number of persons in each circuit that the Commission determines is necessary to conduct the volume of peer review proceedings.
Peer Review Panels began as Inquiry Panels first created from the Inquiry Committee in 1975. The Panels reorganized under their present name in July 2001.
To resolve disputes, Peer Review Panels may be formed to meet informally with complainants and respondents. Panels are created as needed in Baltimore City or in whichever county holds the main office of the attorney against whom a complaint is filed.
A peer review panel consists of at least three volunteers: two attorneys and one lay member. It is appointed by the Peer Review Committee of the Attorney Grievance Commission after notification to the appropriate bar association and the general public (Maryland Rule 19-719).
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