JOHN A. BIELEC, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 5, Prince George's County, since March 26, 2020.
Deputy County Attorney for Major Litigation, Prince George's County Attorney's Office, 1999-2002 (associate county attorney, 1993-99).
Member, Attorney Grievance Commission, 2001-20 (member, inquiry committee, 1996-2001, peer review committee, 2001).
Assistant General Counsel for Litigation, Office of General Counsel, U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2008-20 (senior attorney, 2002-04; deputy assistant general counsel, 2004-08). Member, Contract Appeals Board, U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2013-20.
Born in Washington, DC, June 18, 1966. University of Maryland, College Park, B.S.E.E. (electrical engineering), 1988; Columbus School of Law, Catholic University of America, J.D., 1991. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1991; U.S. District Court of Maryland, 1992; District of Columbia Bar, 1993; U.S. Court of Appeals for 4th Circuit, 1995; U.S. District Court for District of Columbia, 1998; U.S. Court of Appeals for District of Columbia, 2002. Law clerk to Judge William H. McCullough, Prince George's County Circuit Court, 1991-92. Associate, O'Malley and Miles, 1992-93. Member, Prince George's County Bar Association, 1990-2010, 2019 (board of directors, 2003-07; executive board, 2005-06). Member, Marlborough Inn of Court, 1992-2010 (board of directors, 1994-2001; president, 2001-02). State of Maryland liaison, American Inns of Court, 2007-12. General Counsel's Award, U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2007, 2011, 2017-.
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