JAMES L. TANAVAGE, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 4, St. Mary's County, since January 10, 2020.
Assistant State's Attorney, St. Mary's County, 1993-2011. Assistant County Attorney (part-time), St. Mary's County, 2018-20.
Born in Washington, DC, December 16, 1964. LaRoche College, B.S. (business management), 1987; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1990. Law clerk to Judge Robert C. Nalley, Charles County Circuit Court, 1990-91. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1990. Associate, Farmer and Braun, P.A., 1991-93. Sole practitioner, Law Offices of James L. Tanavage, LLC, 2011-20. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1990-; Charles County Bar Association, 1991-93; St. Mary's County Bar Association, 1993- (president, 2004-06); National District Attorneys' Association, 1993-2011. Former basketball referee and volunteer coach.
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