VICTOR M. DEL PINO, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 6, Montgomery County, since December 6, 2019.
Assistant State's Attorney, Montgomery County, 2004-10 (chief, gang protection unit, 2009-10).
Board of Trustees, Office of Public Defender, 2013-19. Member, Character Committee, State Board of Law Examiners, 2014-19. Member, Steering Committee, Latino Health Initiative, Department of Health and Human Services, Montgomery County, 2014-.
Born in Washington, DC, May 10, 1976. Virginia Wesleyan College, B.A. (sociology & criminal justice), 1998; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 2002. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 2002; U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 2012. Associate, Law Office of Jaime Aparisi, 2003. Managing Attorney, Fountainhead Title Group, 2003-04. Adjunct professor, Montgomery College, 2008-11. Partner, McGann, Del Pino, and Hughes, LLC, 2010-19. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 2010-; Montgomery County Bar Association, 2010- (executive committee, 2012-14); Maryland Hispanic Bar Association (board of directors, 2015-16). Board of Directors, Our Lady of Good Counsel High School, Olney, Maryland, 2012- (chair, diversity committee); Identity, Inc. (nonprofit), 2016-. Youth basketball coach, Rockville City Recreation, 2014-. Top Lawyers, Washingtonian Magazine, 2013-14. Hispanic Heritage Award, Montgomery County Council, 2017.
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