LaTINA B. GREENE, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 1, Baltimore City, since January 16, 2019. Member, Equal Justice Committee, 2020-, Judicial Council.
Special Solicitor, Department of Law, Baltimore City, 2000-01. Chair, Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals, Baltimore City, 2005-06 (member, 2002-05). Hearing Officer, Civil Service Commission, Baltimore City, 2005-06. Vice-Chair, Ethics Panel, Board of School Commissioners, Baltimore City, 2012-17.
Administrative Appeals Judge, Social Security Administration, 2013-19 (supervisory labor relations attorney, 2001-07; senior executive service, 2007-13).
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, August 10, 1970. University of Baltimore, B.S. (criminal justice), magna cum laude, 1993; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1997. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1998; U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 1998; District of Columbia Bar, 2000. Associate, Ober, Kaler, Grimes and Shriver, 1998-2000. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1998-2006, 2018- (fellow, leadership academy, 2002-03); Baltimore City Bar Association, 1998-2006, 2018- (member, ethics & government committee; public interest committee). Chair and Vice-Chair, Parent Ambassador Board, Calvert School, 2013-18. Board of Directors, St. Francis Academy, 2015-. The LEADERship, Greater Baltimore Committee, 2014. Member, New Psalmist Baptist Church, Baltimore, Maryland.
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