KERWIN A. MILLER, SR., Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 9, Harford County, since January 7, 2019.
Assistant Public Defender, Office of the Public Defender, 2003-06. Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore County, 2006-07. Deputy State's Attorney, Cecil County, 2009-15 (assistant state's attorney, 2008-09). Administrative Law Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, 2015-19.
Mary Washington College, B.S. (business administration), 1995; Southwestern University School of Law, J.D., 1999. Law clerk, Levy, Stern & Ford, 1997-99. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 2000; U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 2001. Solo practitioner, Law Office of Kerwin A. Miller, LLC, 2000-01. Staff Attorney, Legal Aid Bureau, Inc., 2001-03. Member, American Bar Association, 2000-02; Cecil County Bar Association, 2008-15; Harford County Bar Association, 2008- (president-elect, 2020); Maryland State Bar Association, 2009-15. Adjunct II, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2008-. Author, "The Art of Litigation", Maryland Bar Journal (2013).
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