ERIC W. SCHAFFER, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 11, Frederick County, since October 19, 2018.
Assistant Public Defender, District 11, Frederick and Washington counties, 1992-95. Assistant State's Attorney, Frederick County, 1995-99. Member, Peer Review Committee, Attorney Grievance Commission, 2004-12.
Member, Frederick County Affordable Housing Council, 1998-2002.
Born in Annapolis, Maryland, August 28, 1965. Bucknell University, B.A. (political science), 1987; Dickinson School of Law, Pennsylvania State University, J.D., 1991. Served in U.S. Army Reserve, 1987-95. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1991. Founder and partner, Schaffer and Black, P.C., 1999-2018. Member, Frederick County Bar Association, 1992-; Frederick County Criminal Defense Bar Association, 1992-94, 1999-; National District Attorneys Association, 1995-99; Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys' Association, 1999-. Member, Frederick County Republican Central Committee, 1998-2002. Co-founder & volunteer legal counsel, Monocacy Valley Montessori Public Charter School, 2001-13. Member, Monocacy Pistol Club, 1996- (assistant coach/range safety officer, junior rifle team, 2014-); YMCA, Frederick, Maryland, 1999- (coach, youth soccer, 2006-07); Appalachian Trail Conservancy, 1992-. Member, Brunswick Volunteer Ambulance and Rescue Company, 2012- (board of directors, 2014-; vice-president, 2017-); National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, 2013-. Member, All Saints Episcopal Church, Frederick, Maryland, 2000-12; Grace Episcopal Church, Brunswick, Maryland, 2012- (endowment committee, 2013-). President's Award for Outstanding Service to the Company, Brunswick Volunteer Ambulance and Rescue Company, 2014.
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