KAREN R. KETTERMAN, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 3, Talbot County, since May 10, 2018.
Member, Legislative Policy and Legal Research Subcommittee, Foster Care Court Improvement Implementation Committee, 2013-15; Juvenile Law Committee, Judicial Council, 2017-; Self-Represented Litigant Subcommittee of Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, Judicial Council, 2017-.
Assistant Public Defender, District 3 (Caroline, Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's & Talbot counties), 1998. Legal consultant, Children's Advocacy Center, Department of Social Services, Talbot County, 2001-03. Standing Examiner, Circuit Court, Talbot County, 2006-08. Family Magistrate, Circuit Court, Dorchester County, 2008-18.
Member, Criminal Justice Treatment Network, Local Drug and Alcohol Council, Dorchester County, 2008- (chair, 2016-). Chair, Juvenile Coordinating Council, Dorchester County, 2010-.
Born in Boston, Massachusetts, May 12, 1968. Washington College, B.S. (political science), 1990; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1993. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1993. Law clerk to Judge William S. Horne, Circuit Court, Talbot County, 1993-94. Associate, Ewing, Dietz, Turner & Kehoe, P.A., 1994-98. Attorney, Child Advocacy Project of the Eastern Shore, 1998-2001. Sole practitioner, 2003-08. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1993- (family & juvenile law section, 2007-); Dorchester County Bar Association, 2008-; Talbot County Bar Association, 1994-2009, 2018-. Lifetime Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2006-. Board of Directors, Channel Marker, Inc., 1995-97. Advisory Board, Mid Shore Pro Bono, Inc., 2008-. Member, National and Maryland Chapters, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, 2016-. Vestry, Christ Church, St. Peter's Parish, Easton, Maryland, 2000-02. Anne Gallagher Outstanding Service Award, Family Services Division, Caroline and Talbot County Circuit Courts, 2005. Judiciary Award, Mid Shore Council on Family Violence, 2010. Recognition of Outstanding Service, Child Support RISE Program, 2017.
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