KAREN A. FERRETTI, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 6, Montgomery County, since January 18, 2018.
Member, Domestic Violence Coordinating Council, Montgomery County, 2019-.
Born in Washington, DC, May 1, 1970. Loyola College, B.A. (history), 1992; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1996. Law clerk to Judge D. Warren Donohue, 1996-1997. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1996; District of Columbia Bar, 1998. Associate, McCarthy, Wilson & Etheridge, 1997-2003. Elementary school teacher, Wilmington, North Carolina, 2008-11. Partner, Armstrong, Donohue, Ceppos, Vaughan & Rhoades, Chtd., 2013-17 (senior associate attorney, 2011-13; associate attorney, 2003-07). Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1998- (leadership academy, 2004-05; judicial nominations committee, 2005-07, 2012-15; bar fellow, 2012-); Montgomery County Bar Association, 1997-2009. 2012- (softball league, 1994-2007; executive committee, 2015-; opioid heroin task force, 2015-; continuing legal education committee, 2016-; secretary, 2017-). Adjunct professor, University of Baltimore School of Law, 2014-17. Volunteer field hockey coach, Richard Montgomery High School, Rockville, Maryland, 1994-96. Member, Washington Field Hockey Club, 1996-2004. Treasurer, Greenville Manor Homeowners Association, 2008-11. Lector, St. Mary's Catholic Church, Rockville, Maryland, 2004-07 (parish council, 2006-07; volunteer soccer coach, 2005-07) Eucharistic minister, St. Mark Catholic Church, Wilmington, North Carolina, 2008-10. President, Parent-Teacher Organization, St. Mark Catholic School, 2009-10. Volunteer soccer coach, St. Mark Catholic School, 2007. Community Service Award, 2001, and Outstanding Committee Chair of the Year, 2002-03, Montgomery County Bar Foundation. Volunteer of the Year, Olney Boys and Girls Club for Lacrosse, 2016.
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