AMY J. BILLS, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 6, Montgomery County, since January 16, 2018.
Division Chief, Juvenile Court Prosecution Unit, Office of State’s Attorney, Montgomery County, 2015-18 (assistant state's attorney, district court division, 1998-2000; juvenile court division, 2000-02; domestic violence unit - district court, 2002-03; rockville felony unit and family crimes unit, 2003-07; senior assistant state's attorney, up-county felony unit, 2007-11; major crimes felony unit, 2011-12; community outreach unit, 2012-14; special prosecutions unit, 2014-15).
Member, Victims Assistance Advisory Board, 2012-14; Disproportionate Minority Contact Committee, 2015-18; Diversion Advisory Board, 2015-18; Commission on Juvenile Justice, 2015-18, Montomgery County.
Born in Washington, DC, December 22, 1971. University of Delaware, B.A. (general psychology), 1994; Widener University Commonwealth Law School, J.D., 1997. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1997. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1997-2006, 2017-; Montgomery County Bar Association, 2007- (secretary, executive committee and bar foundation, 2013-14); Women's Bar Association, 2017-; American Inns of Court, Montgomery County Chapter, 1999-. Adjunct Professor, Paralegal Studies Program, Montgomery College, 2004- (adjunct program coordinator, 2012-15). Adjunct Professor, Externship Program, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, and Trial Advocacy Program, 2016-, Washington College of Law, American University. Adjunct Professor, School of Public Affairs, American University, 2015, 2017. Member, American Association for Paralegal Education, 2013-15; Montgomery College Paralegal Studies Program Advisory Board, 2013-. Certificate of Appreciation, Montgomery County Police Chief, 2012.
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