ERIN M. DANZ, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 10, Carroll County, since January 5, 2018.
Settlement Officer, Carroll County Circuit Court, 2002-09, 2010-17 (master in chancery & trust clerk, 2005-09).
Assistant Attorney General, Maryland State Police, 2009-10 (prosecutor, 2017).
Senior Assistant State's Attorney, Carroll County, 1988-97. Member, Sexual Abuse Advisory Council, Carroll County, 1988-99; Baltimore-Metro Juvenile Justice Committee, 1994-97; Domestic Violence Council, Carroll County, 1995-97.
Born in York, Pennsylvania, August 22, 1961. Western Maryland College, B.A. (business; economics; spanish), 1983; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1986. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1986; U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, 1998. Law clerk to Judge Donald J. Gilmore, Carroll County Circuit Court, 1985-87. Attorney and Partner, Stoner, Preston & Boswell, Chartered, 1997-2009. Sole Practitioner, Law Offices of Erin M. Danz, 2010-17. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (board of governors, 2014-16); Carroll County Bar Association; Women's Bar Association of Maryland. Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2016. Board of Directors, Carroll County Children's Fund, 1997-2005; Carroll Hospice, 2010-16. Member, Carroll County Health Services Corporation, 2011-. Member, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Glyndon, Maryland.
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