EARL W. BARTGIS, JR., Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 11, Frederick County, since January 15, 2014.
George Mason University, B.A. (government & politics), with distinction and recognition, 1986; Georgetown University Law Center, J.D., cum laude, 1989. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1989; U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 1990; U.S. Court of Appeals for 4th Circuit, 1995; U.S. Supreme Court, 1995. Attorney with Miles & Stockbridge, P.C., 1989-2006 (associate, 1989-94; staff associate, 1995-99; associate counsel, 2000-06). Sole practitioner, 2006-13. Member, American Bar Association, 1989-; Maryland Bar Association, 1989-; Frederick County Bar Association, 1989-; Federal Bar Association, 1990-. President, Epsilon Housing Trust, 1987-89 (vice-president, 1983-86). Member, Western Maryland Chapter, Alzheimer's Association, 1991-98 (past member, board of directors); Rebuilding Together, Frederick County, 2000-2006 (president, 2006). Board of Directors, Heartly House, 2005-08. Member, Frederick County Chamber of Commerce. Legal Advocacy Award, Maryland Disability Law Center, 2010.
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