DAVID E. CAREY, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 9, Harford County, since November 22, 2013. Member, Court Technology Committee, Judicial Council, 2015-16.
Member, Economic and Community Development Commission, 1994-97, and Strategic Planning Committee, 1996-97, Town of Bel Air. Member, Bel Air/Forest Hill Community Planning Council, 1995-98. Board of Commissioners, Town of Bel Air, 1997-2013 (chair, 2005-07). Member, Futures Commission of Harford County, 1994-95; Housing and Community Development Commission, Harford County, 1998-2000. Board of Directors, Harford Community Action Agency, 2004-08. Town Attorney, Port Deposit, 2011-13.
Member, State Board of Chiropractic Examiners, 1994-98. Research assistant, Commission on the Future of Maryland Courts, 1996. Member, Task Force on the Future for Growth and Development in Maryland, 2006-10; Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission, 2010-13; Task Force on Sustainable Growth and Wastewater Disposal, 2011.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, April 12, 1964. College of Wooster, B.A. (english), 1986; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1989. Law Clerk to Judge Robert J. Karwacki, Court of Special Appeals, 1989-90. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1989. Partner, Brown, Brown & Young, P.A., 2003-13 (associate, 1990-2003). Member, American Bar Association, 1991- (criminal justice section, 1996-); Maryland State Bar Association, 1989- (young lawyers' section, 1989-99; disaster relief section, 1996-99; criminal law & practice section); Cecil County Bar Association, 2006-; Harford County Bar Association, 1991- (executive committee, 2011-13); Maryland Association for Justice (formerly Maryland Trial Lawyers Association), 1991-; American Association for Justice (formerly American Trial Lawyers Association), 1991-; Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys' Association, 1999-; National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys, 1999-2002. President, Maryland Municipal League, 2006-07 (vice-president, 2005-06; board of directors, 2003-08; legislative committee, 1998-). Member, Harford County Democratic Central Committee, 1998-2002. Planning and Smart Growth Work Group, Governor-elect's Transition Team, 2006. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 2012. Member, Police Foundation, Harford County Sheriff's Office, 1998-2004; Sons of the American Legion, Post no. 39, 1998-; Historical Society of Harford County, Inc., 2000-. Coach, Mock Trial Competition, Havre de Grace High School, 2002-06. Board of Trustees, Local Government Insurance Trust, 2007-13 (claims committee, 2005-07). Board of Directors, Harford County Bar Foundation, 2010-13. Author, Consent Searches and Voluntariness; An Analysis of Maryland Cases, University of Maryland Law Forum (1989). Certificate of Recognition, Harford County Sheriff, 1998. Governor's Proclamation, 2007.
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