BRIAN D. GREEN, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 10, Carroll County, since February 8, 2013. Member, Mental Health, Alcoholism and Addiction Committee, 2013-15, Maryland Judicial Conference. Board of Directors, Judicial Institute of Maryland, 2014-15.
Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1988-90. Assistant Public Defender, District 10, Carroll County, 1990-2013.
Born in Olney, Maryland, January 22, 1958. Bethany College, B.S. (psychology), cum laude, 1980; Francis King Carey School of Law, University of Maryland, J.D., 1987. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1987. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1987-90, 2012- (criminal law & practice section, 2012-); Carroll County Bar Association, 1990-; Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys' Association, 2004-. Adjunct Professor, Criminal Practice Clinic, University of Baltimore School of Law, 2010-. Member, Carroll County Democratic Central Committee, 2002-06 (vice-chair, 2003); South Carroll Democratic Club, 2002- (founding president, 2002). Member, Carroll County Chapter, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 2005-; Advisory Committee for the Paralegal Program, Villa Julie College/Stevenson University, 2005-. Assistant Den Leader, Cub Scouts, 1996-99. Mentor, Carroll County High School Career Connections, 2005-09. Member, Century High School Drama Boosters, 2005-09. Judge, Carroll County High School Debate League, 2008. Outstanding Public Defender for District 10, 1997.
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