KIMBERLY M. THOMAS, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 8, Baltimore County, since January 23, 2013.
Assistant Public Defender, Baltimore City, 2001-04. Member, Board of Review, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2008-13. Member, Advisory Board for Family and Children Services for Western Baltimore County, 2008-13.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland. University of Baltimore B.A. (jurisprudence), 1997; University of Maine School of Law, J.D., 2000. Law clerk to Judge Roger W. Brown, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 2000-01. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 2000. Associate, Elmore & Associates, P.A., 2001. Solo practitioner, 2004-13. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 2000- (criminal law & practice section); Baltimore City Bar Association, 2001-09; Baltimore County Bar Association, 2009- (law day committee, 2010-11); Monumental City Bar Association, 2009-; Women's Bar Association of Maryland, 2011- (board of directors, 2011-14). Member, Alliance of Black Women, 2000-01; J. Dudley Digges Inn of Court, 2012-. Member, Parent Teacher Association, Campfield Early Learning Center, 2008-09 (chair, fundraising); Parent Teacher Association, Cromwell Valley Regional Magnet Elementary School, 2009-15 (silent auction committee, 2009-10; vice-president for administration & advocacy, 2010-12). Assistant soccer coach, Greater Pikesville Recreation Council, 2012. Certificate of Recognition, Colonial Baptist Church, 2009. Rising Star Award, Living Classrooms Foundation, 2010. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 2020. Chair, Board of Trustees, Colonial Baptist Church, Randallstown, Maryland, 2007-09 (board member, 2006-09).
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