[photo, Stacy A. Mayer, Maryland District Court Judge] STACY A. MAYER, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 8, Baltimore County, since August 5, 2013. Vice-Chair, Legislative Committee, 2017- (member, 2015-), Judicial Council. Member, Commissioner Education Subcommittee, 2016-, and Mentor Subcommittee, 2017-, of Education Committee, Judicial Council. Member, Special Committee on Judicial Compensation, 2018, Judicial Council.

Member, COVID-19 Access to Justice Task Force, 2020-.

Chief Legislative Officer, Office of Governor, November 2, 2012 to July 12, 2013 (Deputy Legislative Officer, Dec. 2008 to Nov. 1, 2012).

Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore County, 1996-99. Assistant State's Attorney, Howard County, 1999-2008.

Born in Silver Spring, Maryland, September 8, 1972. Attended McDonogh School, Owings Mills, Maryland; University of Richmond, B.A. (English & French), 1994; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1997. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1997. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 2011- (criminal law & practice section; state & local government section; bench-bar committee section council, 2015-); Howard County Bar Association, 1999-2009; Baltimore County Bar Association, 2010- (bench-bar committee, 2015-). Pro bono attorney, House of Ruth, 2012-13.

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