JOHN CHRISTIAN MOFFETT, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 6, Montgomery County, since September 6, 2012. Member, District Court Chief Judge's Committee, Judicial Council, 2018-.
Member, Domestic Violence Coordinating Council, Montgomery County, 2015-19.
Born in Washington, DC, June 10, 1959. Davis and Elkins College, B.S. (accounting & economics), 1981; Campbell University School of Law, J.D., 1985. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1985; District of Columbia Bar, 1986. Associate, Clogg, Hollis & Maddox, 1987-93. Partner, Clogg, Hollis & Moffett, 1993-99; Rubloff & Moffett, 1999-2003; Moffett & Junkin, 2003-07. Sole practitioner, 2007-12. Member, American Bar Association, 2006-; Maryland State Bar Association, 1988-; Montgomery County Bar Association, 1987- (mentor, mentor/mentee committee, 2006-; ethics committee, 2007-); District of Columbia Bar Association, 1988-. Pro Bono Volunteer, Hispanic Community Center, 2000. Guitar instructor, Guitars Not Guns, 2008-. Member, Congressional Country Club, 1985- (legal committee, 1993-95, 2009-); Montgomery County Road Runners Club, 1988-92. Distinguished Pro Bono Service Recognition, Catholic Charities of Washington, DC, 2007.
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