LISA A. HALL JOHNSON, District Administrative Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 5, Prince George's County, since January 6, 2017 (Associate Judge since July 22, 2013; Domestic Violence Coordinating Judge). Member, Domestic Law Committee, 2015-18, and District Court Chief Judge's Committee, 2017-, Judicial Council.
Assistant State's Attorney, Prince George's County, 2003-05.
Born in Apple Valley, Minnesota, January 13, 1976 University of Virginia, B.S. (sociology, economics), 1998; Duke University School of Law, J.D., 2001. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 2001; District of Columbia Bar, 2002. Associate, McDermott, Will & Emery, 2001-03. Senior Associate, Dickstein Shapiro L.L.P., 2005-12. Director of Litigation, Washington Gas Light Company, 2012-13. Member, American Bar Association, 2001-; National Bar Association, 2001-; Maryland State Bar Association, 2001- (leadership academy, 2008-09; special committee on appointments; special committee on the leadership academy (chair, 2011-); standing committee on public awareness; young lawyers section council, 2011); Prince George's County Bar Association, 2004-; J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Association, 2003- (bar mentorship project); Black Women's Bar Association of Suburban Maryland, 2004-. Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2011. Founding member, Upper Marlboro Democratic Club, 2005-. Law and Policy Committee, Obama Campaign, 2008-09. Executive Committee, Equal Justice Associates, Maryland Legal Aid Bureau, 2009-. Member, Country Club of Woodmore, 2010-. Advocacy Award, Duke University School of Law, 2001. Equal Justice Associates Leadership Award, Maryland Legal Aid Bureau, 2011. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 2013, 2016, 2018 (Circle of Excellence). Very Important Professionals Successful Before 40, Daily Record, 2016.
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