THOMAS V. MILLER III, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 7, Anne Arundel County, since March 1, 2010.
Assistant Public Defender, Prince George's County, 1993-94. Member, Maryland Parole Commission, 1996-2010. Member, Maryland State Council for Interstate Adult Offender Supervision, 2004-06.
Born in Silver Spring, Maryland, August 21, 1966. University of Maryland College Park, B.S. (political science & economics), 1988; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1992. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1992. Law clerk to Judge James L. Ryan, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 1992-93. Associate, Miller and Webster, P.A., 2004-06. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (state & local government section), 2004-; Anne Arundel County Bar Association, 2007-. Member, Back Bench Committee, 2000-05. Board of Directors, Maryland Crime Victims' Resource Center, Inc., 2002-04. Youth football coach, Beach Buccaneers, 2003-07; Southern Bulldogs, 2008.
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