PAULA A. PRICE, Associate Judge, Somerset County, District Court of Maryland, District 2, Somerset County, since February 6, 2009. Member, Court of Appeals Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 2013-. Member, Court Access and Community Relations Committee, Judicial Council, 2015; District Court Chief Judge's Committee, Judicial Council, 2019-.

Former Court Auditor, Somerset County. Member, Alcohol and Drug Council, Somerset County, 2009-. Past member, Board of Trustees, Wicomico County Free Library.

University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1992. Attorney. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (business section; criminal law & practice section; estate & trust law section); Wicomico County Bar Association (past president); Eastern Shore Chapter, Women's Bar Association of Maryland (past president). Certificate of Appreciation, Women's Business Roundtable, 2006.

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