H. JACK PRICE, JR., District Administrative Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 12, Allegany & Garrett counties, since January 6, 2017 (Associate Judge, since March 31, 2006). Member, Civil Law and Procedure Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 2007-13. Member, Domestic Law Committee, 2015, and District Court Chief Judge's Committee, 2017-, Judicial Council.
City Solicitor, City of Cumberland, 1990-2006 (assistant city solicitor, 1982-90).
Born in Cumberland, Maryland, March 11, 1955. Attended Fort Hill High School, Cumberland, Maryland; Potomac State College, A.A., 1975; West Virginia University, B.A. (political science), 1977; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1980. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1980. Attorney, Maryland Casualty Company, 1980-82; Wilson & Wilkinson, 1982-88. Sole practitioner, 1988-2006. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 1980- (family & juvenile law section; judicial administration section); Allegany County Bar Association, 1982-. Maryland State Chair, International Municipal Lawyers Association, 2003-06. Past president, Family Crisis Resource Center; Allegany County Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Council. Recognized for Pro Bono Services by Allegany Law Foundation, Inc., 2002.
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