MARY C. REESE, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 10, Howard County, since April 21, 2006. Member, Specialty Courts and Dockets Committee, Judicial Council, 2019-.

Assistant State's Attorney, Howard County, 1990-96. General Counsel, Board of Elections, Howard County, 2000-06. Member, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Howard County, 2010-; Behavioral Health Task Force, Howard County, 2014-15.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, October 21, 1961. Mount St. Mary's College, B.A. (political science & english), cum laude, 1983. Legislative analyst, National Solid Waste Management Association, 1984-85; State and Federal Associates, 1985-86. University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1989. Law clerk to County Administrative Judge J. Thomas Nissel, Howard County Circuit Court, 1988-91. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1989; District of Columbia Bar, 1990. Associate, Reese & Carney, 1996-2006. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (board of governors, 2004-06; solo & small firm practice section); Howard County Bar Association, 1990- (president, 2003-04). Member, St. Thomas More Society, 1998- (president, 2010-11). Board member, Our Lady of Perpetual Help School, 1991-94. Leadership Howard County, Class of 2001. Board member, Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), Howard County, 2001-04; Resurrection-St. Paul School, 2004- (vice-chair, 2005-06). Circuit Court Project Award, Howard County Bar Association, 2002. Member, Church of the Resurrection, 1969- (parish council, 1994-98).

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