Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


DANIELLE M. MOSLEY, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 7, Anne Arundel County, since January 17, 2006. Member, Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, District Court of Maryland, 2007-15. Member, Mental Health, Alcoholism and Addiction Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 2009-12. Member, Court of Appeals Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 2012-.

Assistant State's Attorney, Anne Arundel County, 1995-2000, 2001-06 (chief, annapolis district court office, 1999; glen burnie district court office, 1999-2000, 2001-06). Attorney, Legal Services, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Postal Service, 2000-01.

Attended The Key School, Annapolis, Maryland; University of Virginia, B.A. (international relations), 1989 (seven society honoree, 1989); Washington and Lee University School of Law, J.D., 1992 (president, 3rd-year class; member, executive board, student bar association; student conduct committee; mock trial team; black law students association; american jurisprudence award for trial advocacy; semi-finalist, national criminal justice trial advocacy competition, american bar association, 1992). Law clerk, Law offices of George S. Lantzas, Esq., 1992-93. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1993. Law clerk to Judge Warren B. Duckett, Anne Arundel County Circuit Court, 1993-94. Associate, Alexander & Cleaver, 1994-95. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (board of governors, 2010-); Anne Arundel County Bar Association (board of trustees; president-elect, 2008-09; president, 2009-10). Board of Directors, Anne Arundel County Bar Foundation (president-elect, 2010-11). Secretary, Board of Trustees, Annapolis Symphony Orchestra; Scholarship for Scholars, Inc.; Annapolis Area Boys and Girls Clubs. Certificate of Appreciation-Doctors and Lawyers Partnership Program, Anne Arundel County Public Schools, 1997. Certificate of Appreciation, Youth Outreach Foundation, 2004. President's Award, 2004, and Recognition of Outstanding Service, 2005, Anne Arundel County Bar Association. Fannie Lou Hamer Award, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Awards Committee, 2006.

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